Every decade from the time we hit adulthood we should be investing in ourselves and managing our finances. In your 20’s you have time to go to school and attain an education that will land you a great job. Now is the time to invest with a little more risk than when you are much older. Clean up all the mistakes you made with debt in your thirties, and by the time you are forty it is time to really sink in and grow your investments. Fifties are spent planning retirement and making sure you are on the right path, you made need some course corrections. The sixties will be here and if you have done everything right it is time to enjoy all that work and planning!
Key Takeaways:
- Your life will be drastically different at 20 compared to when you are ready to retire and so will your needs. Planning is required!
- In your 20’s lay down your foundation by securing an education but also learn to save and invest. Now is the time for long term investments.
- By the time you are in your thirties you need to clean up the debt. Pay off the student loans and credit cards and buy some insurance to cover your obligations like your home and health.
“When you are in your 20s and just starting a career, take time to invest in yourself.”