Within this article, there are a total of five questions based upon a set of three facts. Age, marital status and the possibility of the retrieval of retirement benefits. However that is only part of the picture in question. The bigger picture in regards to the article is how soon can I receive the benefits and if they can claim someone whom was currently married, previously married and among the benefits of someone who weren’t officially married yet has passed on to another life. The writer of the article had provided their answer to those who were asking, by suggesting to call their local Social Security office and try to get in contact with the person who does the paperwork within a set period of at least 10 days as to maximize the benefits and to recheck and submit the files necessary.
Key Takeaways:
- According to Larry Kotlikoff, the President of Economics Security, Inc., the tools Maximize My Social Security and MaxiFi Planner, can be helpful in planning your best options for Social Security.
- If you’ve been divorced twice, you can only draw on the Social Security benefits of one former spouse at a time.
- If you want to alter your benefit start date, you have to call and/or submit a request in writing to Social Security, depending upon where you are in the process.
“If one of your exes is eligible for benefits before the other, you may be able to draw on that ex’s record for a while and then switch to the other ex’s record at a later date.”