Retirement has a few simple strategies to make the financial aspects easier for you. A quick determination of expenditures is key-how much do you need to have the lifestyle you want? After you know what you need, next is determining what money you will receive. After adding pensions, Social Security, and other income, you’ll know what to expect to earn in your golden years. Finally, you should be ready to change your plan for the unexpected, and above all, be realistic!
Key Takeaways:
- People’s notional projections of what they expect their expenses to be are almost always too low, since they typically fail to account for the unexpected expenses that everybody has.
- You also need to figure out what your retirement income from social security, pensions or retirement plans, rents and any other funds will be.
- Most people retiring today will have to rely on their investments much more than was originally intended.
“A successful climb doesn’t end at the peak; it ends when you get back home safe and sound.”
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